Manufacturer | Zorgon Peterson |
Cost | 87,808 CR |
Insurance | 4,390 CR |
Top Speed | 220 m/s |
Boost Speed | 320 m/s |
Manoeuvrability | 8 |
Shields | 60 |
Armour | 90 |
Hull Mass | 35.0 T |
Cargo Capacity | 6 T |
Fuel Capacity | 8 T |
Unladen Jump Range | 9.12 LY |
Landing Pad Size | Small |
Utility Mounts | 2x Utility Mounts |
Hardpoints | 2x Small Hardpoints 1x Medium Hardpoint |
Internals | 1x Size 1 Compartment 2x Size 2 Compartments 2x Size 3 Compartments |
The Adder is like armored Hauler - it has 1 Medium and 2 Small hard points, maximum cargo space without shields - 26 tonnes and maximum jump range about 29 LY.
So it has 4 tonnes more than Hauler but slightly smaller jump range, that's why for now Hauler is cheapest and best taxi ship. In 1.3 we will have Imperial Courier which by design should take the lead in taxi business of Elite universe - at least until we will be able to order delivery of our ships.
While 1 Medium hard point might not seem like a big addition but compared to Hauler it is. Ship is agile and 320 m/s top boost speed combined with Medium weapon and 26 tonne cargo bay makes it a good entry level trader, miner, explorer or even a ship for piracy. No wonder extraction sites are full of wanted NPC Adders ;)
The price is as low as 1 hour of weak signal source visits in stock Sidewinder, so you can switch from stock Sidie into slightly upgraded Adder in 1-2 hours of your game play.