There is a hidden parameter called “faction experience” which determines when a naval progression mission will pop up.
The amount of work needed for Marquis is the same as the first 6 ranks combined so don’t expect it to be fast.
There are ships that require you to be at specific rank with Federation or Empire. So if you are after those ships you will have to spend some time ranking up.
Currently following ships will require you to rank up:
Empire: Imperial Clipper (rank: Baron) and Courier (Master)
Federation: Federal Dropship (Ensign)
But it's safe to say that to get best Federation and Empire corvettes - Imperial Cutter and Federal Corvette - you will have to be most likely at maximum rank with each major faction (currently max ranks are King and Admiral).
The information is not visible to the player by design, but would not put it in a FAQ unless the developers change their mind and decide to make it more transparent. Exploring and discovering things on your own is a big part of the game after all.
Skill points are not visible to the player, but they do work like a combat rank. You gain them from the same actions that give you reputation, but unlike reputation will never decrease. If the ruling minor faction of a station is affiliated with a major faction, you do get points from everything you do for them: missions, trading, selling exploration data and even cashing in bounty vouchers.”
However there are some bugs regarding bounty hunting and trading so stay away from those.
Different missions can vary in how much skill you acquire in the Empire or Federation. It does not matter which missions you do or what type of activity they are all added up together towards your total progress, however, the altruistic/donation missions are aimed for reputation gains, so they are very effective for increasing your rank so missions that cost you money help you to rank up faster.
There are no diminishing returns for missions, in fact the higher rank you are the more better paid missions you can do which will accelerate your progress – more credits moved means more reputation points, means more skill points.
The more credits you make at an Empire/Federation affiliated station, the more reputation you gain and the more "skill points" you get. Your reputation with the major faction is somewhat connected with the rank promotion, as you need a positive reputation to get issued a promotion. But it is not a multiplier of the skill points gained and it doesn't matter if your Empire reputation is allied, friendly or just indifferent but not unfriendly.
Federation: Tun or Exbeur
Empire: Tamar or Clota
Some will require you to have permit. Those systems generate only charity missions (if you switch between Solo and Open mode, you'll often get a refresh of the mission board).
But you can rank in any system – best being any High Population and with several stations close to star (one of those being Agricultural).
Naval progression is not proportional to your reputation, as long as you stay higher than Neutral.
To gain higher ranks you need to do work for the minor factions affiliated with Federation or Empire to accumulate faction experience/skill points. Theoretically any activity that makes money will also increase your experience, but currently there might be bugs affecting Bounty Hunting and Trading, so missions are still the way to go, charity missions being the best.
Faction experience (skill points) | Empire | Federation | Exp needed to rank up | Charity mission count (predicted) |
0.5 | Outsider | Recruit | 0.5 | 16 |
1.5 | Serf | Cadet | 1.0 | 32 |
3.0 | Master | Midshipman | 1.5 | 49 |
5.0 | Squire | Petty Officer | 2.0 | 65 |
8.0 | Knight | Chief Petty Officer | 3.0 | 97 |
12.0 | Lord | Warrant Officer | 4.0 | 129 |
17.0 | Baron | Ensign | 5.0 | 162 |
23.5 | Viscount | Lieutenant | 6.5 | 210 |
31.5 | Count | Lieutenant Commander | 8.0 | 259 |
41 | Earl | Post Commander | 9.5 | 307 |
52.5 | Marquis | Post Captain | 11.5 | 372 |
66 | Duke | Rear Admiral | 13.5 | 437 |
81.5 | Prince | Vice Admiral | 15.5 | 501 |
100.0 | King | Admiral | 18.5 | 598 |
Note: as you see roughly 30 charity missions are needed for 1 Experience point.