DevTracker: About Rebooting ship

There's a system on the way in that will potentially help pirate-trader interactions: the ability for all vessels to reboot their ship, allowing it to cannibalise healthy modules a bit to bring totally broken ones back online.
Elite Dangerous

We think this is pretty cool for a couple of reasons - it allows true pirates to potentially disable their prey without having to murder them directly *or indirectly* because the crippled ship will be able to bring critical systems back online. It also increases the chance of ships flying around with damaged modules, which in turn increases the chances of interesting malfunctions.

The reboot is purely a limp home mechanic that restores a couple of percentage points to a destroyed module. Once the destroyed module(s) have received a couple of percentage points, subsequent reboots will do nothing to further improve your already dire situation.

  1. The modules the reboot sequence consumes health from is indeed random, though it's weighted to higher health modules (and excludes any below 10% health to avoid breaking one to heal another).
  2. There is a priority order to the modules it repairs, I forget the exact sequence, but it's the things required to get to a station first (FSD, Thrusters, Sensors), then survive (Life support, Shields), then everything else.
  3. Leaving modules on 1-3% while you limp home also plays into the new heat changes, you'll need to be extra careful to avoid breaking things again with a minor overheat.

The AFM suffers less from that last point, as you're able to restore health to the point a slight overheat won't break them again, and also doesn't require a full shutdown of your ship to do so could be done in combat.

Repair-reboot functionality

We’ve also added a cool new feature for people with damaged modules. We’re activating diagnostics repair-reboot functionality on all ships. Whilst still not a match for an automatic field-maintenance module, this function allows a ship to reboot and jury-rig completely broken modules, getting them back up and running at a couple of percent health. Of course, there’s a cost: for every percent of health repaired, another, healthier module will be stripped of double this amount as components are cannibalised.

Reboot and Repair

There is a new option in the Functions Tab:


Use this to initiate a diagnostics and repair sequence. During this sequence, your ship will cannibalise healthy modules to repair completely broken ones.

Each broken module will be brought back online with a couple of percentage points of health.

For every percentage point of health repaired, double this amount is taken from randomly selected healthy modules.

This sequence will fail if you have no modules with more than 5% health, or if you have no completely broken modules. The sequence cannot repair hull or canopy failure.

Warning, once imitated, you will have no ship control until the process is complete.

Posted by Kornelius on 2015/04/27 23:58:37. Report
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